During these difficult times, it is important we remember what’s important in life: family, friends, sleep, exercise, and sex. Yes, we said it… SEX.

While we all do our part to help curve the spread of COVID-19 by staying at home, there is no better time than now to spice up the bedroom and strengthen our relationships.

Whether you’re single, stuck inside together, or if your currently separated from your partner by distance, there are things you can do to prepare for the reunion and can spread the love without spreading the coronavirus! Try new things you have never explored with your partner before! With all the free time on your hands, why not find something you both may enjoy?

Some of the benefits you can get from sex include:

  • lowering blood pressure
  • burning calories
  • increasing heart health
  • strengthening muscles
  • reducing your risk of heart disease, stroke, and hypertension
  • increasing libido

Sex can also reduce stress and help ease your anxiety through these difficult times!

If you are a man or woman who thinks their sex life could be improved, we have treatment options to change that!

For women, MonaLisa Touch® is a unique laser treatment designed to decrease the signs and symptoms of vaginitis that can often occur during pre-menopause or post-menopause. It may even be able to help with symptoms that appear after childbirth. Common symptoms often associated with vaginitis or vaginal atrophy include burning, itching, discomfort during sexual intercourse, and excessive vaginal dryness. The use of the MonaLisa Touch® technology helps to stimulate the production of collagen and improve the elasticity of the tissues.

For men, GAINSWave is a protocol designed to help improve sexual performance, treat Erectile Dysfunction, and keep the penis healthy. This non-invasive procedure will benefit any man who is seeking to enhance pleasure and performance during sex. The benefits of GAINSWave include enhanced sexual performance, greater sensation in the penis, longer-lasting erections, and better orgasms!

So if you feel you are struggling with your sexual performance, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Gabal so you can begin to see improved results with your love life.

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