Dr. Lamia Gabal is a board-certified physician who serves the residents of Santa Ana, Orange County and many of the surrounding areas. At Prestige Medical Group, the doctor and her staff specialize in body contouring with brands like Pellevé and SculpSure. The team also performs skin tightening and other procedures that help to restore and rejuvenate the skin. Call today or book an appointment online using the easy online booking feature.

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What is body contouring?

When a person loses an excessive amount of weight, their body goes through some dramatic changes, and a large amount of skin and tissue is usually left behind once the fat has melted away. Body contouring procedures involve removing the excess tissue and reshaping through the skin to create a slender, more defined look. The procedure can be performed on many areas of the body including the thighs, abdomen, back, upper arms and chest. Body contouring is used to restore a person’s physique to as close to its original shape as possible after a large portion of their weight has been lost.

When is body contouring used?

A person who is extremely overweight will develop large amounts of fatty tissue and excessive amounts of skin. Once the fat has been eliminated, the excess skin and tissue are left behind. Carrying excessive amounts of loose skin and tissue is extremely hard on the cardiovascular system, putting stress on both the heart and lungs. Removing the excess tissue through a body contouring procedure takes the stress off the heart and improves circulation throughout the body. As circulation improves, the healing process continues to move forward. This allows rejuvenation of the muscle and skin tissues, helping them to become more toned and resilient.

What techniques are used during the body contouring process?

Body contouring can involve removing excess folds of skin and tissue through surgical incision as well as other types of treatment options. Skin tightening, liposuction, skin rejuvenation and various other types of procedures can help restore normal physical proportions and reduce the effects of aging on the skin.

When you’ve lost a significant amount of weight, the body undergoes many dramatic changes. The effects on the skin can be very damaging. The different techniques used in the contouring process can help to restore the skin’s resilience and vitality, making it more toned and firm. Some of the most common body contouring techniques include:

Pelleve S5 RF Generator is used as part of the PelleFirm® System. The Pelleve technique is a pain-free, non-invasive treatment that was designed to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and offer short-term improvement in the areas where cellulite is present.

SculpSure is a body contouring tool that helps to remove fatty deposits in the abdomen, back, and thighs.

Skin Tightening
Gravity and the loss of fatty deposits in the skin can cause droopiness and sagginess. Skin tightening helps to rejuvenate the skin. Tightening procedures also help to address the loss of firmness in the muscle tissues that lie under the skin.

If you’re interested in learning more about the body contouring services Prestige Medical Group has to offer, be sure to call the office today or schedule your appointment online.